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U=U: Frequently Asked Questions

What is U=U?

U=U is an international campaign aiming to decrease HIV stigma and increase access to care.

Several trials have shown that people who are living with undetectable levels of HIV cannot transmit the virus to their partners.

Learn more about the U=U campaign

U=U (Undetectable = Untransmittable)

To schedule an appointment with the Partnership Comprehensive Care Practice, call 215.762.2530.

How do you become HIV undetectable?

Taking your medication every day and following up with your doctor is vital to accomplishing an undetectable HIV load!

  • Viral load is the number of copies of HIV virus in your blood.
  • A lab test is done every 3-6 months to make sure your viral load goes down.
  • The goal is to be "undetectable," where the viral load is below the level that the test can measure.
U=U (Undetectable = Untransmittable) Timeline

Why is this important?

U=U (Undetectable = Untransmittable) Campaigns

Concern about disease transmission can greatly affect the lives of many people living with HIV.

Many abstain from sexual activity for fear of transmission, and/or fear seeking treatment due to the stigma.

However, it is important to know that there are several medications available to help HIV positive individuals live with an undetectable viral load.

With this new research, individuals can live free of the fear of transmission.

The Evidence-Based Research

U = U: Evidence-based Research - 2,500 couples - 130,000 condom-less sex acts - NO TRANSMISSION

How did we get to know that undetectable=untransmittable?

  • This isn’t a theory.
  • Four major studies: HPTN 052, PARTNER 1, PARTNER 2 and Opposites Attract followed couples where one partner was HIV positive and undetectable, and the other was HIV negative.
  • Each study showed that sexual activity did not result in the transmission of HIV in these individuals.

Learn more about these trials:

How to Contact Us

Drexel Partnership Comprehensive Care Practice

The Partnership Comprehensive Care Practice is a partner of the international U=U community.

Location: 1427 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA (directions)

To schedule an appointment with the Partnership Comprehensive Care Practice, call 215.762.2530.

What can you do?

Promote facts, not fear! Speak up! If you hear myths or stigma about HIV being spread.
Encourage others with HIV to see their doctors and take their medications regularly.
If you have HIV, stay engaged in your care! Maximize your health. Call us for an appt at 215.762.2530.

Additional Frequently Asked Questions

If I am undetectable, do I have to continue taking my medications?

YES!! HIV still lives inside your body, so you need to take your medication in order to MAINTAIN an undetectable viral load.

If I am undetectable should my partner and I still use condoms?

Your HIV medication only treats HIV and does not treat any other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). If you are worried about STDs or pregnancy you should continue to use a condom.

If my partner is HIV negative, should they continue to use PrEP?

It is up to you and your partner to decide how to have a safe sex life. HIV negative partners might choose to continue taking PrEP if they have more than one partner or if they are unsure of a partner's HIV status.

The information on these pages is provided for general information only and should not be used for diagnosis or treatment, or as a substitute for consultation with a physician or health care professional. If you have specific questions or concerns about your health, you should consult your health care professional.

The images being used are for illustrative purposes only; any person depicted is a model.

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