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The Partnership: Then & Now Symposium

The Partnership: Then and Now Symposium

On Friday, September 22, clinicians, researchers, community outreach professionals, patient advocates, public health officials and guests gathered to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Partnership Comprehensive Care Practice at a symposium, entitled “The Partnership: Then & Now.” The gathering took place at Drexel’s Health Sciences Building in University City. The program featured remarks from current and former Partnership leaders, as well as esteemed experts from local government and nonprofit organizations.

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  • Charles B. Cairns, MD, FACEP, FAAEM, FAHA, Walter H. and Leonore Annenberg Dean, Drexel University College of Medicine; Senior Vice President of Medical Affairs, Drexel University

Opening Remarks: Evolving to Meet Patient and Community Needs: The Partnership Then and Now

  • Marla Gold, MD, FACP, Former Senior Vice Provost for Community Health and Chief Wellness Officer, Drexel University
  • Amy Althoff, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Drexel University College of Medicine; Medical Director, Partnership Comprehensive Care Practice

Presentation: Ending the HIV Epidemic

  • Anna Thomas-Ferraioli, MPH, Ending the HIV Epidemic Advisor, Philadelphia Department of Public Health, Division of HIV Health

Honoring Gregg Alleyne, MD

Gregg Alleyne, MD, associate professor, Drexel University College of Medicine, will be honored for 25 years of service and his contributions to the success of the Partnership Comprehensive Care Practice.

  • Daniel H. Conway, MD, Chief, Section of Immunology, St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children; Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Drexel University College of Medicine
  • Florence M. Momplaisir, MD, MSHP, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Division of Infectious Diseases
  • Joy Lander-Roe, LSW, Perinatal Case Manager, Partnership Comprehensive Care Practice
  • Brenda Ruiz, CMA, Medical Assistant/Family Planning Counselor, Partnership Comprehensive Care Practice

Panel Discussion: The State of HIV Care in Philadelphia: Reflecting, Projecting and Preparing

  • Sara K. Schultz, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine and Director, Infectious Diseases Fellowship Program, Temple University, Lewis Katz School of Medicine
  • Sebrina Tate, MSW, Executive Director, Bebashi – Transition to Hope
  • Vanessa Ferrel, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Drexel University College of Medicine; Physician, Partnership Comprehensive Care Practice
  • Janell Johnson Washington, HIV Community Activist and Member, Community Advisory Board at the Partnership Comprehensive Care Practice
  • Anna Thomas-Ferraioli, MPH, Ending the HIV Epidemic Advisor, Philadelphia Department of Public Health, Division of HIV Health

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