Philadelphia magazine published its annual list of the region's “Top Doctors.” Read more.
The Partnership Comprehensive Care Practice in center city Philadelphia celebrated 30 years of care with an anniversary art show in late 2023. This collection of work is part of a legacy of using art to talk about HIV/AIDS -- a legacy explored by a National Library of Medicine (NLM) exhibit currently on display in the lobby at the Health Sciences Building on Drexel University’s campus. Read more.
The average adult needs between seven and nine hours of sleep each night, but it can be hard for many people to fall asleep or stay asleep. If counting sheep isn’t working, try the tips below instead. Read more.
Roughly a quarter of U.S. adults who’ve tested positive for COVID-19 report having experienced, or are currently experiencing, three or more months of COVID symptoms, such as dizziness, headache, brain fog, and/or other symptoms, according to October 2023 data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Household Pulse Survey. The condition is known as Post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 or “long COVID.” And among hospitalized COVID-19 patients, that number increases to roughly half. (Drexel News Blog) Read more.
Whether you’re considering Dry January or cutting back unhealthy habits in the New Year, assessing whether your substance use is a problem is an important first step. Read more.
As you say goodbye to 2023, you may be thinking of New Year’s resolutions. Drexel Medicine has advice for sticking to common New Year’s resolutions, like increasing your exercise or sleep. Read more.
It’s no secret that growing older can be taxing on the body, and this is no less true during perimenopause, which occurs just before menopause, characterized by a significant drop in mature eggs in the ovaries, irregular ovulation, and plummeting levels of estrogen and the hormone progesterone. This drop in estrogen may play a role in hearing loss and help explain gender differences in hearing loss, according to data recently published by researchers at Drexel’s College of Medicine in the American Journal of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Medicine and Surgery. (From Drexel News Blog) Read more.
All women experience menstrual irregularity and hormonal changes as part of menses, as well as changes in lipids and bones. Many women experience symptoms called hot flashes. Some report vaginal dryness and breast tenderness. These all relate to hormonal changes. Read more.
To improve your experience, Drexel Medicine is now offering text message reminders. You can now opt in to receive appointment alerts, billing notifications, MyChart messages (if enrolled in MyChart), and more through text messaging. Read more.
The Accreditation Committee of the College of American Pathologists (CAP) has awarded accreditation to Drexel Medicine Diagnostics Laboratory based on results of a recent on-site inspection as part of the CAP’s Accreditation Programs. Recognized for rigorous and robust standards, CAP accreditation elevates quality and mitigates risk, an important way that laboratories can contribute to improved patient outcomes. Read more.
To stay healthy this fall, you need a flu shot and an updated COVID-19 booster or first-time vaccination. COVID-19 and the flu are caused by different viruses, so you need one vaccine for each illness. It is safe to get both vaccines on the same day. Read more.
September 18 is National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day, which highlights HIV among people aged 50 and older. Physicians at the Partnership Comprehensive Care Practice help patients with HIV factor the illness into their aging process. Read more.
Amanda Tjaden, CRNP, is a board-certified family nurse practitioner with seven years of clinical experience in varied settings including walk-in clinics, family practice and community health. Read more.
Experience, resourcefulness and sheer luck enabled a crew of students and faculty from the College of Medicine to fill an urgent need for COVID testing in Philadelphia early in the pandemic. Now, they’re using their knowledge to build a commercial diagnostics service. Read more.
Drexel University College of Medicine is pleased to recognize the two-year anniversary of Drexel Medicine as a clinical enterprise. Read more.
While fentanyl continues to dominate headlines related to drug overdose in America, it is not the only dangerous drug in town. Tranq, zombie drug, tranq dope, sleep cut, and Philly dope are some of the slang names for a large-animal tranquilizing drug called xylazine that’s burst onto the scene of illegal street drugs. Read more.
Marijuana use is increasing. It is becoming more accepted as more states legalize both medicinal and recreational marijuana use by adults. At the time of this writing, 23 states plus Washington, DC and Guam allow recreational marijuana use, and another 14 states have some form of legal medical marijuana system. Read more.
"At an appointment with me, patients can expect that we will get to know each other well very quickly. We will work together to achieve shared goals. Patients will get prompt responses to their calls or messages, and they will know their lab results within 24 hours of those being drawn. They will see that the providers and staff make a great team, and that we welcome them into our internal medicine family. Our goal is for every patient to appreciate that we know who they are, and we care about their well-being!" Read more.
Heatstroke and heat exhaustion are both heat-related illnesses. But these are different conditions with different symptoms. Read more.
As the World Health Organization, United States, and countries around the world end the official COVID-19 health emergency, there is a consensus that COVID-19 is here to stay. You may be hearing less about a pandemic and more about endemic disease. But what exactly does that mean? Read more.
Vanessa K. Ferrel, MD, MPH, completed postgraduate medical training in primary care and social internal medicine and obtained board-certification in internal medicine. Dr. Ferrel is passionate about employing the practices of health equity, social medicine and antiracism to achieve liberation for marginalized and oppressed people. Read more.
Tens of millions of Americans suffer from mental health illnesses each year, yet only about half of those receive treatment. As we observe Mental Health Awareness Month in May, it’s time to raise awareness about mental health issues, reduce the stigma associated with mental illness, and promote self-advocacy for those who are suffering. Read more.
Philadelphia magazine published its annual list of the region's “Top Doctors.” The list of physicians, who were chosen by their peers, can be found in the May 2023 issue. Read more.
Does eating grapefruit help decrease blood pressure? High blood pressure can be unsafe if it’s not treated. It can put you at risk for heart failure, stroke, kidney failure and other medical issues. Adjusting your lifestyle habits through diet changes, more exercise and working with your health care provider can help avoid serious medical problems. Read more.
Annie Kou-Chow, MD, practices at Drexel's Partnership Comprehensive Care Practice and specializes in primary and preventative care for people living with HIV. Read more.
In honor of World AIDS Day 2022, December 1, Drexel Medicine's Partnership Comprehensive Care Practice will be tabling at Leon H. Sullivan Charitable Trust and The Spot, providing HIV testing and counseling, free HIV home test kits, HIV prevention information, free condoms and more! Read more.
You’re sniffling, your throat is scratchy, and your nose feels congested. Maybe it’s seasonal allergies, or maybe it’s COVID-19 – but how can you tell the difference? Read more.
The Partnership Comprehensive Care Practice strives to be a comprehensive clinic where patients can get multiple medical needs met in a one-stop-shop format, but did you know that there are many other services offered by our team of case managers? From specialist appointment scheduling to rental and utility assistance, our case managers work with each patient on an individual basis to meet their unique social and emotional needs. Read more.
There was a time when an HIV diagnosis was believed to be a death sentence. However, with the advancement of medication over the years, that is no longer the case. Further, recent studies have found the next best thing to a cure: U=U. Read more.
Frequently asked questions about U=U, or Undetectable = Untransmittable. U=U is important because it is a message of hope that is empowering to people living with HIV. It means people living with HIV can have a relationship without the fear of transmission. Read more.
January is Thyroid Awareness Month! Your thyroid is a gland in the front of your neck. It makes thyroid hormone (TSH), which helps your body use energy. TSH also keeps your brain, heart, nerves, and muscles doing their jobs. Read more.
Drexel experts offered insights that are cause for both concern and relief, given the rapid spread of this virus and the medical community’s increasing familiarity with it. Read more.
Philadelphia magazine recently published its annual list of the region's "Top Doctors." The list of physicians, who were chosen by their peers, can be found in the May 2022 issue of the magazine. Read more.
Seasonal allergies affect around 20 percent of Americans. Even if you do not have allergies, you probably know someone who does. Read more.
My patients can expect that I will listen to their concerns, and I will explain their medical problems to them in a way they can understand. I am an open and honest communicator and use shared decision-making with my patients. Read more.
Drexel HOPE’s mobile medical unit offers services for opioid use disorder with a multidisciplinary team of providers, peer specialists, and case workers who connect Philadelphians with the care and resources they need. Drexel HOPE is funded through a five-year Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) grant. Read more.
This year, your flu vaccine may be more important than ever. According to The Center for Disease Control (CDC), both flu viruses and COVID-19 will be spreading this fall and winter, and it is possible to catch both illnesses at once. Read more.
Summer is a great time to enjoy the outdoors and all the delicious food the season has to offer. With warmer weather upon us, you will likely start cooking out more often with family, friends and loved ones. This is a great opportunity to enjoy fresh vegetables and grilled foods, but it's also an opportune time to develop a foodborne illness. To avoid getting sick after a cookout, keep these food safety tips in mind this summer. Read more.
Your diet plays an enormous role in your heart's health. This is especially true for women and other people assigned female at birth , who are more likely to die of heart disease than men and people assigned male at birth. According to the American Heart Association, heart disease is the leading killer of women over age 25 and is responsible for one out of every four female deaths in the United States. Read more.
The Drexel Internal Medicine practice at 219 North Broad Street and Drexel University’s Student Health Center have rejoined the clinical practices of the College of Medicine. Previously managed by Tower Health Medical Group, the practices returned to Drexel effective July 1, which ensures continuation of these needed services and reflects Drexel’s mission-driven approach to student and population health in Philadelphia. (Drexel Now)
Spring is here, and you won't have to hear the words "winter storm" for at least another six months. With the warm weather here to stay, it's time to start thinking about your complexion, which during the winter months tends to dry out, causing all sorts of issues. Read more.
A well-balanced diet is one of the main ingredients for healthy living. By incorporating the different food groups into your meals, you provide your body with the nutrients it needs to run efficiently. But do you actually get enough nutrients strictly from the food you eat? Many health professionals encourage women and other people assigned female at birth to take supplements to make sure their nutritional needs are met. Read more.
Elliot Goodenough, MD, PhD, is board certified in family medicine, and practices at Drexel's Partnership Comprehensive Care Practice. They have a clinical interest in the compassionate care of people living with HIV and/or hepatitis C, LGBQ and transgender people, and people with substance use disorder. Read more.
Amy Althoff, MD, is an infectious diseases specialist practicing at the Partnership Comprehensive Care Practice in Philadelphia, where she provides primary care and specialized HIV care. Dr. Althoff is board certified in internal medicine and infectious diseases. Read more.
Vaginal yeast infections are caused by a fungus, usually Candida albicans, a common organism that may or may not cause discomfort. Approximately 75 percent of all people with vaginas will have a symptomatic yeast infection at some point in their lives. Read more.
The Partnership Comprehensive Care Practice (the Partnership) of Drexel Medicine is celebrating its 20th anniversary. Over the span of two decades, the Partnership has not only grown in size, but also in reach. Read more.
For couples wanting to conceive a child when one partner is HIV positive, the options have previously been limited to expensive assisted reproductive technologies, such as in vitro fertilization, or risking HIV transmission through unprotected intercourse. Now researchers at Drexel University College of Medicine are studying patient response to a once daily pill that prevents the spread of HIV infection in couples who are trying to get pregnant. Read more.
Things look much different for HIV-positive patients at the Partnership Comprehensive Care Practice today than they did when it was founded in 1993. Read more.
"I knew from a young age that I wanted to work in the medical field, and after learning about the history of physician assistants, I immediately felt connected to the mission of the profession. The whole purpose of the PA is to provide medical care in underserved areas. Although the official concept of the PA was created after the U.S. surgeon general declared a health care personnel shortage in 1959, the profession really got its start in the 1940s from a man named Henry “Buddy” Treadwell who lived in a small, rural town in North Carolina." Read more.
Fair warning - you’ll never look at an airplane the same after reading this article. That’s not a bad thing though. Airplanes, like most forms of public transportation, are filled with germs. There’s no hiding that. Whenever you cram a bunch of people in a tight space for a few hours - especially one with limited air flow - germ accumulation is inevitable. But just like you take other travel health precautions, you can protect yourself from germs on an airplane by knowing where they are and what you can do to avoid coming in contact with them. Read more.